This is christophe cinier secretary of the RD500LC Club de France. I thourght his bike was so nice, as are the bikes of his frends i had to make a page for them rarther then just add his bike to the gallery. So here you go folks.

Chris likes to thrash his 500lc, So he shuold i here you say, but you would be suprysed how many 500 owners like to have theys bikes but dont ride it like they should be. But not chris and not his mates in the french 500 club. They have anual meetings at LURCY a track in france.

Here we ahve a couple of pic of chris doing the track on his best 500lc.

This is Chris at Lurcy with his english frends Steve and Jez . Theys are some good clear pics for a race track . When i do them its just a small bike a bit of a blure riping juts past the camera.
A nice line up of chris and his mates bikes at Lurcy race track . Now tell me you would'nt like to take one of thows bikes for a rip around the track on a nice hot sunny day like that . Heven or what.
Here Is Chris's 500LC built by the Sambiase brothers in france, near marseille.
The fork & weels are gsxr600
The pipes are jolly moto's
Lot of parts are home made
Theys where taken at there 2 stroke meeting in Lurcy-Lévis. They have organised each year since 1993 (the very very best 2 stroke meeting in france !!!) he tels me,and with theys bikes there i dont doubt it.
The French 500 club can be found at: