I had a good chat to Darren and found him very chatty and friendly and into his LC big time. He is from Biddulph near Stoke. Never heard of it, probably some sleepy village with a well known resident loon, ripping up the quiet evenings, testing his race bike along the main Street. He runs Avon AM 22 back and a Battlaxe road tyre on the front. A few people ran road tyres out there and did well on them. He ran an air box and a 180 main jet. He had a cut and tuned set of pipes like a few others. He had a modified LC ignition and pulled a 4th, so I say respect to him for doing so well on a home tune with a road tyre on the bike, and let's face it, he obviously likes his pie's and a pint he he he. He has raced for a few years and it showed, he was fast and knew how to get the most from his bike. Nice one mate